1. Alamanah Trading

Description: A platform for selling electric goods, built with MVVM architecture to ensure clean code and scalability.

Key Features:

  • Real-time inventory management and customer data handling using WordPress and WooCommerce API.
  • State Management: Utilized Cubit for efficient state handling.
  • Local Storage: Integrated Hive for offline data storage.
  • Security: Implemented Flutter Secure Storage for sensitive user data protection.
2. Bright Market

Description: A full-featured e-commerce platform designed for product browsing, cart management, and online transactions.

Key Features:

  • Integration with WordPress and WooCommerce API for backend management.
  • State Management: Used Cubit for smooth and responsive state handling.
  • Real-time Data: Enabled updates for product availability and transactions through WooCommerce API.
  • Local Storage: Integrated Hive for storing user preferences and cart data locally.
  • Security: Utilized Flutter Secure Storage for handling sensitive data.
3. RentRide Car Booking Management System

Description: A comprehensive app designed for managing car bookings, featuring user authentication and real-time data synchronization.

Key Features:

  • User Authentication: Implemented using Firebase Authentication.
  • Real-time Data: Integrated Firebase Firestore for managing booking data across devices.
  • Local Storage: Utilized Hive for offline storage.
  • Security: Enhanced data protection with Flutter Secure Storage.
4. Bookly-App

Description: An app developed to allow users to preview books before committing to reading them.

Key Features:

  • State Management: Developed with Cubit for efficient handling.
  • Networking: Utilizes Dio for networking functionalities.
  • MVVM Pattern: Adheres to the MVVM architecture for organizational structure.
5. Shop App

Description: An e-commerce app designed for efficient product management and transactions.

Key Features:

  • Efficient state management with Cubit for a responsive user experience.
  • Real-time updates enhance user experience.
  • Handles product information, user authentication, and transaction processing.
6. Notes App

Description: An app for creating, deleting, and editing notes.

Key Features:

  • Utilizes Hive local database for efficient storage and retrieval.
  • Allows users to customize the color of each note for personalization.
7. Social App

Description: A platform for users to create and share posts with text and images.

Key Features:

  • Secure registration and login using Firebase.
  • Uses Firebase’s cloud database for storing profiles, posts, and chat messages.
  • Real-time chat functionality for private conversations.